book stuff

Playlists for Strange as Angels

The previous books had muses: Leonard, Nick, and Billy. This book had more of a feel and the feel was primarily women's voices. I had the notion of the title but not from the Cure original but from a haunting cover of "Just Like Heaven" by the Watson Twins. Things...

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Playlists for Like a Pale Moon

Who by Water was Leonard Cohen, Our Lady of the Various Sorrows was Nick Cave, and Like a Pale Moon has been Billy Bragg, especially the song "Tank Park Salute." Writing this one took it out of me. I didn't lose my father when I was a kid but I was in my 20s. Other...

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A Soundtrack for Our Lady of the Various Sorrows

Where Leonard Cohen was my muse for Who by Water, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds have been my deep well for Our Lady of the Various Sorrows. Each of them have been nearly lifelong companions to the point I can't remember what song I heard first or when exactly. Both...

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New Events for Summer and Fall

I've been busy with the day job and with finishing the initial draft of the second book in the Voices of the Dead series. If you'd like to find out what the title of the next book will be and receive a teaser snippet from book two, please scroll on down to the bottom...

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All the links to purchase Who by Water

If you'd like your very own copy of my shiny, new book when it drops on May 4 you can purchase it any number of ways. Preorder the paperback on Amazon Preorder the Kindle ebook Preorder the iBook version Preorder the GooglePlay ebook Autographed copies (will ship...

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Events and stuff

I have been walking around with a completely stunned expression on my face for at least two days. The book is real. It's for sale. My. Book. Is. For. Sale. Well, it's available for pre-order. I've never really understood that word. Is pre-order really a thing? I mean...

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Hey, It’s a Book Thing

There's a cover! (I'm not saying there's video of me jumping up and down with excitement anywhere, but there could be.) And, there are book launch events scheduled and getting scheduled. If you'd like to know when I'll be out in the world showing off my new baby like...

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