Writing and podcasting for the Socially Awkward

No one has ever described me as socially awkward to my face. I was often called a weirdo in school and maybe that counts. But I have felt socially awkward my entire llfe. I didn’t know that absolute knot of dread was anxiety until I was diagnosed as an adult....

December 2022 reading

It’s been pouring rain in California and that is both a very good thing and a bit of an issue. We need the water, preferably not all at once. It is perfect reading weather as long as you can be warm and dry and still have power. It’s also perfect writing...

November 2022 reading

Wasn’t I just here? It’s December first as I write this and like November 1st it is raining in the parched Bay Area, even in our rain shadowed valley. It’s a bit too chilly for the cat — and for me — to have the window open but I will anyway because...

October 2022 reading

October was very un-October this year. I think it may be the forever summer feel of Santa Clara valley that lingers until the rain starts which was yesterday, the first of November. All my autumnal, witchy feelings were on hold until it was truly cool enough for...

September 2022 Reading

September is that month between summer and autumn, hung in suspension between the swelter and cool release. Or that was my understanding of fall. On California time, autumn really seems to come when the rains begin. I’m told this happens in October. I’m...